The Packaging Course for Brand Designers, Studio Founders and Creative Directors

With 7 detailed modules, an optional brief, worksheets and extra resources, it's the ONLY packaging course that blends practical packaging technicalities for print and production, alongside strategy, big-brand design theory and agency project process.

Packaging Pays →

Packaging Pays →

You don’t need to be a materials wizard or a mathematician to be a brand and packaging designer.

It’s more about creating stand-out story brands with the product at the centre.

With packaging you can serve those extra juicy skills and insane value whilst building an end to end killer portfolio.

Build product based brands of your dreams with end to end projects that command higher fees.


I’m Laura, founder of Our Kind Studio

I’m Laura! Digital entrepreneur, product lover, and brand + packaging designer with 10+ years of brand industry experience.

I work 1:1 with motivated and bold startups or established brands who are on a mission to realise revolutionary, out of the ordinary brands that stand out in the sea of same.

I’ve built a multiple six-figure business using the power of product, positioning, and brand.

Now I’m going to help you achieve the same.


I help brand designers & creative directors, integrate packaging design into your premium brand experience, the agency way.

I teach an end-to-end agency process whilst showing you how to think differently so that you can enjoy packaging projects without the fear and raise your rates.


Totally worth the investment↓


Portfolio ready✔︎


Feel good about the packaging principles rules and stress less.


Integrate agency level tools to create shelf-worthy projects.


Grow your confidence in packaging process at every step, start to finish.


Understand the value, attract clients who need more than a quick label; then charge more.

Tick all that apply:

You’re a brand designer looking to review processes and learn new skills to make more $

You want to confidently set up packaging projects, start to finish without the worry

You prefer design that’s weird and wonderful and zigs where others zag. You want to stand out

You’re a brand designer looking to review processes and learn new skills to make more $

You want to confidently set up packaging projects, start to finish without the worry

You prefer design that’s weird and wonderful and zigs where others zag. You want to stand out


  • Learn packaging project setup from the very beginning. Discover more about the different types of client you may encounter, and which questions to ask to make sure your projects are efficient and a good fit for you. This module includes advice on structuring proposals, timelines, contract clauses and scope too. I share my project management tools, my Asana buckets and project stages.

  • Discovery is more than just an enquiry call. Here you’ll learn to ask for the project specifics and most importantly, which questions you need to ask. This module is all about finding out the right information from your client at the right time and how to store and collate it; using my Notion template. Learn why and how to build a workshop into your project process and why questionnaires aren’t really the one.

  • Strategy basics goes beyond regular brand strategy. Learn agency level exercises and tools which will allow you to take your client on an anti-same-same journey to demonstrate that there's *always* another way. These tools will help you position your brand amongst the wider landscape and teach you how to tap into differentiation at the core.

  • To design winning packaging, it takes way more than a cute logo. In this module, you’ll learn packaging design theory which underpins the success of any pack design. You’ll learn the principles of product families, product navigation, customer reading and how to design for store as well as online

  • Module 5 teaches design process, including my signature ‘format first’ approach. You’ll learn how to setup your design space, see my behind the scenes idea sprints and tips on presentations, mockups and prototypes. Your designs have to come from *your* genius; I show you the tools and my approach.

  • Here you’ll learn the principles and regulations for back of pack; this is the stage that involves taking your concept onto cutter. Learn how how to take care of barcodes, how to setup a cutter guide and the details you need to include on pack and how they should appear. I share resources for both EU, UK and US setup.

  • Gain agency level insight on file setup and artworking protocol, including how to take care of Pantones, specials and colours whilst gaining confidence on print ready files with my pre-flight checklist. I share my artworking swatch template, which you should use on all packaging artwork to streamline your communication to printers.

Your Course Goals:

End the guesswork, stress less and take the fear out of print and production.



Position packaging as an integral piece of the puzzle & aim to charge beyond 5 figures per project.

Future proof and step away from comfort to create brands that that work hard on-shelf and online.


Watch Vina’s Story

“It feels like all of my questions were answered. Your course has been an amazing learning experience for me.”


I hear you…

Packaging can feel scary or daunting. This course is created to help brand designers like you feel confident AF when you’re selling and working on stand-out packaging projects.

Attract bigger budget e-commerce clients who respect and understand the value of packaging and are willing to invest 5 figures and beyond.

Confidence Starts Here →

Confidence Starts Here →

Boost your packaging project confidence, so that you can charge what they are truly worth, whilst carving unique paths for your clients…. and your portfolio.

Watch my walkthrough →


Do I need packaging experience?

Not at all; some students have packaging experience and are here to refine their process and learn from someone else, whereas some students are packaging newbies. As long as you have brand and graphic design experience, that’s all you need.

Do I have to complete the course in order?

No, you can open any module at any time and you do not have to pass a module to move on. 

Will there be live calls?

Not in this current iteration but check back soon for future launches and pricing tiers where 1:1 calls with me can be added.

Do you teach how to draw dielines?

I don’t teach this as the course comes from a brand building perspective and therefore the focus is on this area. Although I am able to create cutterguides, this is not my zone of genius. I do not believe that designers need to be involved this area. Leave this to the experts.

I live in the US, will it still be suitable?

Absolutely, the majority of students are US based and whilst I teach UK / EU regs I also share info for US too. I have students from alllll over the world. I would also like to note that this topic is one very small piece of the course, that covers wayyy more overall.

How long does it take to complete?

The video timings vary, some are 7 mins, some 20. But on average each module, in total, is about 60 minutes viewing time, max 90 mins for the longer ones. I recommend watching 1 module per week but most students prefer to dip in and out, and watch the content at times when they need specific help. There's 7 modules in total; so theoretically, you could binge allll of the content in 8 hours or so

Is it suitable for beginners?

Yes! Provided you've worked on branding and design in the past and are familiar with Illustrator. I wouldn't recommend this for total graphic design beginners however; you need some basics.

How long will I have access?

Course content is not capped so you can access the course perpetually and ongoing without limits. (aka: lifetime)

Is there a group?

No group; there used to be but we found that it wasn’t utilised; so reduce the cost and streamline we removed this feature.